Sunday, August 19, 2012

Fever Moon Graphic Novel Review

Karen Marie Moning | Fever Moon
Author: Karen Marie Moning
Series: Fever Series Graphic Novel
Adapted by David Lawrence
Illustrated by: Al Rio and Cliff Richards
Star rating: Five stars

This graphic novel by Karen Marie Moning takes place in the middle of Shadowfever. This is part of the book where the Fear Dorcha is stealing part of people's faces. It is up to Mckayla to put an end to this.

I loved the illustration's and the way they brought the character's to life. I loved seeing such important scenes on page. It was done beautifully. The image's though that got me were the ones of where she was being turned priya and then Barron's bringing her back. Yes, there are images. This graphic novel is not for those under the age of 18. Hence the reason for it being in the adult romance section.

I love seeing Barron's on page. Unfortunately sometime's my mind cannot make a clear picture of character's and he is one of those few. I pictured him differently but it fits him.

Another plus regarding this was that Karen also added additional stuff besides the graphic's. She added behind the scene's and character sketches to the end of the book.

I definitely recommend those who are a fan of this series to buy this and get it for your collections. It is a must have!

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