Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Review

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Harry Potter, #2)Author J.K. Rowling
Series: Harry Potter book 2
Star Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

I will not be writing a normal review regarding this book seeing how it is pointless. Either everyone's read it or they haven't. Like my other review for the first book I will just compare it with the movie.

I love the movies, I have seen them so many times it's insane. However, now that I am finally reading the books I can finally piece together the parts that are missing in the movies. This is great because with the movies there are just little things that were missing to tie up the who's and why's to certain parts. Such as how Hermoine became petrified. Yes we know that she was looking for a clue and that was the piece of paper in her hand or they they drank the polyjuice potion. In the movie they never really cleared up how she turned back to human. Just little things or how they came across the petrified cat. yes they were walking down the hall but we didn't really know what they were doing in the book know.

I am enjoying the books and I love the little details of the world. I definitely urge those who are a fan of the movies but who have not read the books to do so. It will completely fill those gaps in the movie.

Happy reading!

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